Birding News #68

:: Interference from electronics and AM radio signals can disrupt the internal magnetic compasses of migratory birds.

:: An Oakland, California, tree trimmer is in the middle of a federal and state investigation into the destruction of nests and slaughter of Black Crown Night Heron nestlings.

:: Minnesota’s Dept. of Transportation has commissioned a study to look into reports that migratory birds are flying into, and becoming entangled in the cables of, the new Hastings Bridge over the Mississippi River,

:: Dave Golowenski for the The Columbus [Ohio] Dispatch writes on just how perilous the life of birds is.

:: It’s Bird Week at the New York Times’s City Room Blog

:: The theme of this past weekend’s United Nations Migratory Bird Day is “Destination Flyways – Migratory Birds and Tourism,” an initiative which aims to develop sustainable tourism at destinations along the world’s major migratory bird routes.

:: While giant green anemones usually eat small fish, crabs and mussels, they will also eat the occasional sea birds, including nestling Brant’s and Pelagic Cormorants.

:: Diving for details on the true extent of bird mortality following the 2010 BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill, Martha Harbison at Audubon Magazine writes about the more than one million birds that were killed by the disaster.

:: A scientist helps Darwin’s Finches combat nest parasites by providing insecticide-soaked nesting materials.

Great posts in birding blogs this week:

:: From Ethan at Bird Boy: The Birds are Back

:: From Corey at 10,000 Birds: There are Migratory Birds Other Than Wood-Warblers. Who Knew?

:: From Kathie at Birding is FunPiping Plovers at Maine’s Reid State Park

:: From Rob at The City Birder: A Big Birding Day In Brooklyn

:: From Jeremy at AZ Birdbrain: Scaup Comparison 

:: From Shyloh at Beakingoff: Rusty Blackbirds

:: From Rick at WaderQuestBuffy the bogey slayer – Sav Saville

Interview with Jeff Gordon, Baillie Birdathon celebrity guest birder

This year’s celebrity guest birder for the Bird Studies Canada annual Baillie Birdathon is Jeffrey Gordon, president of the American Birding AssociationI’m very pleased to give you today my interview with Jeff, especially during what is a very busy time of year for him with travelling, ABA presidential duties, and spring migration

Jeffrey watching the annular solar eclipse near Bernalillo, New Mexico, May 2012 photo by Liz Gordon

Jeffrey watching the annular solar eclipse near Bernalillo, New Mexico, May 2012; photo by Liz Gordon

You can find Jeff’s Baillie Birdathon page here; his Birdathon goal is $15,000!

Prairie Birder: Please tell us about yourself.

Jeff: I’ve been interested in nature, especially wildlife since I was a tiny kid. I didn’t catch the birding bug until I was 12, but I caught it hard. When I was a young birder myself there weren’t young birder clubs or social media, but I still managed to find a lot of support and mentoring through organizations like the Delmarva Ornithological Society and the Delaware Nature Society. One of the things I liked best about birding at that age was that in just a year or two, I could hold my own with the adult birders and really make a contribution to the group. Now, I’m not saying that I was as good or as seasoned as the long-time birders. But I was sharp enough to pick things out and add something. One of the things I like best about birding is that it’s truly an all-ages, lifelong activity in a way that few things are.

I went to college at two schools: the University of Delaware and Earlham College in Indiana. While at Earlham, I spent a trimester in Kenya as part of a field study program, which was the single most educational experience of my education, if you will.

After college, I worked at places like Acadia National Park in Maine and Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge in Texas before landing my dream job of being a bird tour leader, with Victor Emanuel Nature Tours. I did that for 12 years and thoroughly enjoyed showing people wonderful birds and places and sharing the experience with them. It was an amazing gig.

I then spent a few years freelancing in the birding industry, writing for BirdWatcher’s Digest and Houghton Mifflin, speaking, working birding festivals for Leica Sport Optics, as well as a stint managing a nature center in southern Delaware. During that time, I was involved peripherally but significantly with the American Birding Association, helping with their conventions and chaperoning many of their youth birding teams.

In late 2010, I took the job of President of the ABA. Hard to believe it’s been almost four years, but it also still feels very fresh and new.

I feel incredibly fortunate to have been able to make a career out of birding. I genuinely love the birding community, the amazing people who share this passion and zeal for birds and the outdoors. It’s a privilege to serve them.

PB: How did you get involved in the Baillie Birdathon?

Jeff: I was invited by the folks at Bird Studies Canada. It was a huge honor to be asked and even though it’s a particularly busy time of year, of course, there was no way I could turn down the offer!

PB: Where and when will your Birdathon take place? Is your wife Liz, an ABA staffer, going to be able to join you?

Jeff: I’ll be birding with Jody Allair and others on Saturday, May 10th, wherever he takes me in and around Port Rowan and Long Point [Ontario]. Though I’ve birded Rondeau and Pelee and all the birds will be familiar, this will be my first time around Long Point. Having heard so much about it for so many years, I’m very much looking forward to finally seeing it. Unfortunately, it didn’t work out for Liz to come this time.

PB: How much have you birded in Canada, in general, and at Long Point in particular?

Jeff: I’ve birded Canada more than any other country but the US. I’ve made something on the order of 10 trips each to Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, New Brunswick, and Manitoba. I’ve been very fortunate to visit Nunavut multiple times, with two trips to Pond Inlet on Baffin Island and another to Wager Bay. I’ve visited the Vancouver region a couple of times, as I have the aforementioned Pelee/Rondeau area and have stayed a couple of nights in Ottawa. I also made a memorable November birding trip to Quebec. No Long Point, no PEI, no Alberta or Yukon. So I guess I would say that I’ve made a good scratch in Canada’s surface, but man, there’s a lot of ground to cover.

Celebrating seeing White-tailed Ptarmigan, ABA Camp Colorado, July 2013

Celebrating seeing White-tailed Ptarmigan, ABA Camp Colorado, July 2013

PB: Do you have a target number of species you’re hoping to see during your Baillie Birdathon?

Jeff: Jody tells me that a total of around 140 or so will be good for the Long Point area. As for target birds, I have no targets in the sense of lifers or near-lifers. But I’m very excited about getting to see and hear a bunch of old friends. And who knows what may turn up? My dream bird in the region would be a “Cory’s” Least Bittern, but I bet I’m not alone in that dream!

PB: Kenn Kauffman wrote a few years ago, just before you became president, that when the ABA first started (and when he first joined), “it served a unique role in connecting the active birders of the US and Canada”. Do you think this is still true? 

What would you tell Canadian birders in 2014 who want to know what the ABA can offer them?

Jeff: No question, yes, the ABA serves a unique role in connecting birders of the US and Canada. I think that role has evolved a lot over the nearly five decades of the ABA’s life and it continues to. Early on, there was a huge need for basic bird finding and identification information which has partially but not nearly wholly been filled by the internet. Of course, the ABA is still providing that information, too. Our Facebook Rare Bird Alert, to cite one small example, has a stellar track record of breaking news of ABA rarities. At this point, it’s the place to watch for this sort of info. Today, I see the ABA playing more of a role in being the center, or perhaps a center in this decentralized age, of birding culture and community. And I think we are THE center of birding culture. What it means and how best to go about being a birder — that’s right at the heart of what we’re about and that’s not true of any other North American organization, though there are a number that certainly do a great deal that is of value to birds and to birders. But as far as standing up and being counted as a member of the community of active, passionate birders? That’s the ABA.

For Canadians specifically, I think the ABA is unusual and worthwhile in that we define our core area of concern as the US and Canada. Right there, that encourages a shared vision and perspective. Of course, the ABA and its members’ interests extend beyond the ABA area, around the hemisphere and the globe. But there is an undeniable shared US/Canada outlook and community that the ABA fosters.

One thing I’d like to emphasize: we are always looking for Canadian content for our publications online and off. If you have stories to tell about birding Canada or birding as a Canadian, I guarantee they will get a fair hearing. Folks can email me at and I’ll pass you along to the proper editor or manager.

Jeff co-leading, with ABA Board Member Carl Bendorf (just right of me wearing ABA cap), an Iowa Young Birders field trip,

Jeff, far left, co-leading a field trip with ABA Board Member Carl Bendorf (just to the right of Jeff, wearing the ABA cap) for the Iowa Young Birders Club. Photo by Helen Lindhorst.

PB: What sort of relationship is there, formal or informal, between the American Birding Association and Bird Studies Canada?

Jeff: Well, I hope that it’s a growing one. I’m doing the Baillie Birdathon this Spring and Jody Allair has an article about Bird Studies Canada that will be published later this month in our first-ever Birder’s Guide to Conservation and Community. So far, we don’t have any formal partnerships but I’m hoping to meet lots of folks and generate lots of ideas during my upcoming visit. I would also add that we all strongly suspect that many of the ABA’s Canadian members are also members of Bird Studies Canada and that offers natural opportunities for collaboration.

PB: How would you describe the differences in the various organizations: ABA, Bird Studies Canada, National Audubon Society, and even Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology?

Jeff: The ABA strives to inspire all people to enjoy and protect wild birds. We do that in a wide variety of ways and many of the other organizations you mention, all fine ones, overlap part of what we do. But I think one key difference is that the ABA is fundamentally in the business of promoting and supporting birding, where most other organizations emphasize birds, or conservation, and/or ornithology. Supporting birding is something they do to advance those ends. We support birding and we firmly believe it leads to good outcomes for birds, for habitat, and for society. We know it does for individuals. So while I see all these groups as having compatible and complementary goals, I think the ABA is the single place to register your identity and passion as a birder and to join a community of birders.

PB: What percentage of ABA members are Canadian? Are you looking to encourage membership from Canadian birders, and if so, how? 

Jeff: Our Canadian membership generally runs about 10-12 percent, which closely mirrors the population of the two countries. We are looking to encourage membership from all birders, but if you or anyone has suggestions for ways to better reach Canada, I’d be delighted to hear them. We also try to have representation on our board and committees that at least approaches that 10-12 percent benchmark. Currently, we do not have a Canadian board member, so please get in touch if you’re interested or know someone who might be.

PB: You became president of the ABA in 2010. Shortly before that, you wrote, “The question for ABA is whether it’s going to adapt and change and once again lead and inspire the birding community.” Since you became president, how has the ABA been adapting, changing, leading, and inspiring, in both the US and Canada?

Jeff: Hands down, the biggest “mechanical” change is that we’ve gone online and are active in many social media spaces. But that increased online presence has been in the service of an even more fundamental change — making ourselves more accessible and responsive to our members, as well as giving them a number of useful forums where they can exchange information and discuss issues. We’re also accomplishing a real shift, I think, where we full-heartedly embrace both the purely recreational aspects of birding and the more legacy-building, conservation impulse that nearly all birders feel. In the past, I think there’s been a tendency for something of a rift to appear there, at least part of the time. But I find that today, perhaps most especially with younger birders, it’s all seen as essential parts of a larger whole. Birding is and ought to be a big tent for many approaches, for people of all ages and types. I’m very happy with the progress we’ve made toward promoting that vision and making it a reality.

*  *  *  *

Thank you, Jeff, for the opportunity to interview you and good luck on your Baillie Birdathon!

Baillie Birdathon Thank You!

I would like to offer an enormous thank you to my good friends Curtis & Michelle, Donna,  Janice, and Ted (all members of the Edmonton Nature Club) Christian, Dennis, and Shirley for their amazing generosity and support in helping me reach 75 percent of my goal for the Baillie Birdathon already.

So far I’ve raised $750 of my $1,000 goal — only $250 to go, so if you would like to help me reach the rest of my goal, you can visit my team page. Your support will be greatly appreciated, not just by me but also by the groups receiving my funds — Bird Studies Canada and The Edmonton Nature Club.

Thank you all so very much for your wonderful support!


Dancing with Sharp-tailed Grouse!

Each year our local naturalist society makes the one-hour drive to the Canadian Forces Base at Wainwright, Alberta, to see the annual Sharp-tailed Grouse dance at their lek. The field trip is arranged by the Wainwright Naturalist Society, whose members also maintain the several blinds where we sit and observe. This part of the province has the highest counts and density of breeding Sharp-tailed Grouse.

Thursday morning at 3 am I was awake and ready to head out to watch male Sharp-tailed Grouse strut their stuff at the lek (mating ground) on the Camp Wainwright base, along with Lakeland College students in the Wildlife & Fisheries Conservation program. We left Vermilion at 4 am because there’s a security briefing at the base, about not touching anything, including exploded and unexploded mines.

Once the briefing was over, we drove to the part of the base, all native prairie, where they practice with mines and explosives and then walked about a quarter of a kilometer to the blinds. The birds start dancing at sunrise, which is why the field trip starts so early. This year we actually arrived before the grouse did, so it was good that we didn’t disturb them as we got ourselves situated in the blinds. There are very few places left with any Sharp-tailed Grouse at all, let alone breeding pairs.

Our group counted 15 displaying males this year, up from last year’s six grouse. The grouse weren’t as active as in previous years — not dancing as much and spending more time just huddled up, which was probably attributable to the wind, cold temperature (-8 c), and snow falling. But otherwise it was a great morning!

After we finished watching the birds at around 7 am, we drove back to the base for breakfast in the mess hall, where they prepare anything you might want, from pancakes, waffles, and sausages, to eggs and fruit.

This is the fourth year I’ve watched the Sharp-tailed Grouse dance, and the day is always one of the highlights of our naturalist society activities and of my birding year.

Some of the males got fairly close to our blind which provided me with a good opportunity to practice with my new camera,




Here’s a short video I made,

One of the other blinds and a couple of pairs of males. How many can you count?




I wasn’t able to get very good photos of the birds dancing, but in this photo you can see the bright purple air-sac,


IMG_0575 IMG_0583

Birding News #65

:: The US Fish & Wildlife Service’s National Fish and Wildlife Forensics Laboratory studied three solar farms in Southern California and found a disturbing amount of bird injuries — 233 total birds, over 71 species — and says that there are no easy fixes to the problem.

:: A new list documenting the world’s most distinctive rare bird species, according to their appearance, behavior, and evolutionary history, has been compiled by researchers at Yale University and the Zoological Society of London as part of the EDGE of Existence conservation program.

:: Mountain Bluebirds and other cavity-nesting bird species in Nevada are being killed by the hollow plastic pipes driven into the ground to mark mining claims on public land; the birds go into the pipes but can’t climb back out or spread their wings to fly, so trapped at the bottom, they slowly die of dehydration.

:: The U.S. Geological Survey and researchers from the University of New Mexico and Northern Arizona University released a report last week the effects climate change on wildlife species in the Sonoran Desert and the Colorado Plateau ecosystems; the Pinyon Jay is projected to lose nearly one-third of its breeding range, while other species could lose as much as 80 percent by the end of the century

:: BBC nature show host Chris Packham is criticizing television producers and bird charities for ignoring the mass slaughter of migrant birds in Malta.

:: The US Fish & Wildlife Service has again extended, to April 25, the public comment period on a proposal to list Yellow-billed Cuckoos as a threatened species, because of last year’s government shutdown.

:: Several iconic bird spices in the Adirondacks (NY) are in trouble — including the Yellow-bellied Flycatcher, Lincoln’s Sparrow, and  Palm Warbler —  with declines driven by the size of their wetland habitats, how connected these wetlands are to one another, and how near they are to human infrastructure, according to a new Wildlife Conservation Society study.

:: According to the Center for Biological Diversity, Defenders of Wildlife, and WildEarth Guardians, a new federal plan to list the Lesser Prairie Chicken as threatened rather than endangered would not reverse the species’ decline because it would allow ongoing destruction of the bird’s habitat, and so the three groups plan to sue the US Interior Department and US Fish & Wildlife Service under the Endangered Species Act.

:: Carole Burns of The Washington Post interviews David Sibley about the new edition of his Sibley Guide to Birds

Great posts in birding blogs this week: 

:: From Jeremy at A Victoria BirderEndemics, Undemics, and Everything in Between

:: From Josiah at Birds in Your BackyardSpring has Sprung! (Part 1)

:: From Kirby at Birding is Fun: Pledge to Fledge — Every Day!

:: From Ethan at Bird BoyA Trip to Kimberley, BC #2

:: From Jochen at 10,000 Birds: Know Your Audience: A Ring-necked Duck in Germany

:: From Jeff at NeoVista BirdingSunshine’s Got Me Humming for Hummers!

Rusty Blackbird Blitz 2014!

Yesterday marked the launch of the new Rusty Blackbird Spring Blitz 2014 in Alberta. The Blitz is a North American-wide citizen science project that birders can participate in by submitting checklists to eBird. There are different target dates for the different states in the US and different provinces in Canada, and you can find them all here. The target dates for Alberta’s Rusty Blackbird Blitz in Alberta are April 1st through mid-May. The population of the Rusty Blackbird has been rapidly declining across North America, and this decline has raised concerns for the past few decades.

The new Spring blitz is an initiative by the International Rusty Blackbird Working Group, in partnership with eBird, the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, and the Vermont Center for Ecostudies to track the RUBL population and hopefully learn about conservation strategies for this declining species.

From the website:

In an effort to better understand the distribution of this species during migration, the Rusty Blackbird Spring Blitz was initiated this year. This citizen science project will provide insight for conservation objectives such as Rusty Blackbird habitat selection during migration and whether or not some of these choice stopover locations may or may not be protected.

Researchers are also interested in “zero-observations”. So, if you’re out and do not see any Rusty Blackbirds, please report “0” in your eBird checklist. Even if you don’t see any Rusties, that’s valuable information for researchers.

To submit a checklist, click on the “Other” tab and select the Rusty Blackbird Spring Migration Blitz (as shown here),


Explaining the need for the Blitz, Southern Alberta co-ordinator Yousif Attia wrote to me, “The reasons for the sharp decline in Rusty Blackbird numbers over the past 20 years still remain largely speculation, [and] initiatives such as this one may shed some light on the cause(s) before it’s too late. Identifying specific stopover habitat and locations can help focus conservation efforts and at the least provide some measure of assistance to the species.”

You can learn more about the Blitz, Rusty Blackbirds, and how to submit your sightings at the Rusty Blackbird Blitz website, and there is also a Rusty Blackbird Facebook page you can follow.

If you have any questions about the Spring Blitz, please contact any of the co-ordinators for Alberta: Yousif Attia (Southern Alberta), ysattia (at) gmail (dot) com; James Fox (Northern Alberta), jamesfox (at) hotmail (dot) ca, and Jason Rogers, hawkowl (at) hotmail (dot) com.

Rusty Blackbirds in our farm yard in October 2012, gathering up for Fall migration,


