Christmas Bird Count for Kids/CBC4Kids

In 2007, Tom Rusert and Darren Peterie of Sonoma Birding created the Christmas Bird Count for Kids (CBC4Kids).

Since the first count in California seven years ago, the event has become very successful across the United States, and in 2010 Bird Studies Canada joined Sonoma Birding as a proud Canadian Partner.

The CBC4Kids is a family-friendly winter bird count where participants learn about common winter birds in the area, and help identify and count birds for North America’s important winter bird census. The events around the country help promote appreciation and awareness for birds and nature.

Here’s the map of all the CBC4Kids events in Canada. You can find more information for each event here,


Earlier this month, Liza Barney from Bird Studies Canada emailed to ask if I would be able/interested to hold a CBC4Kids event for my area. I excitedly said yes and started planning right away. I made up this poster and am hoping for a number of kids and parents on the walk,


If you, or someone you know, is interested in organizing and leading a Christmas Bird Count for Kids, contact:
In Canada: Bird Studies Canada,
In the US : Sonoma Birding,

More on the CBC4Kids:

:: CBC4Kids Facebook Group

:: CBC4Kids on NPR Radio BirdNote

:: CBC4KIDS at the eBird Young Birders Network

:: Use the hashtag #CBC4Kids on Twitter

2 thoughts on “Christmas Bird Count for Kids/CBC4Kids

  1. Pingback: Christmas Bird Count for Kids | Vermilion River Naturalist Society

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